Thursday, November 24, 2011

Being Thankful

Today is Thanksgiving. It's a day to give thanks for all of life's blessings, so I decided that I am going to dedicate today's post to voicing who and what I am most grateful for in my life.

First and foremost, I am beyond grateful to have such a happy, healthy, smart, loving, amazing child. C is my reason for waking up each morening, getting out of bed when I would much rather sleep, and for braving the cold, heat, wind, sleet, rain, hail, or snow, to catch the bus and work all day. I am so proud of that child, and each day of his life, there hasn't been a moment where he hasn't ceased to amaze me. I don't know what the past 8 years of my life would've been like without him in them, and although they haven't been easy times, I wouldn't trade them for the world. That child is my motivation and determination to succeed and be someone he could be proud of one day.

I am beyond grateful this year to have one of the most amazing, loving, caring, sweet, generous, sexiest boyfriends in the entire world. Having J come into my life a year ago was the biggest blessing God has ever given me, aside from being able to become a mother. I have never in my life thought that I would be so lucky to find someone who I could consider to be my soulmate. Ever since the moment he came into my life, I have known that J was different, and throughout the past year, he has proven me time and time again that he is. The gratitude I feel for him is almost inexplicable, as he has taught me many life lessons, such as patience, unconditional love, happiness, and how to be able to count on someone. He is the one person who I love to hear from when I wake up, and the last person I want to talk to before bed. He is my one true love and I cannot wait until the day we start our own family together.

Speaking of family, I am quite grateful for having the family I have. I know they are the source of many of my gripes and complaints, but they have been there for me through thick and thin throughout the roughest years of my life, even if they didn't support my choices and decisions. Thanks to my parents, I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy. They help me out with C and I don't think I could ever repay them for all they have done for the both of us. In addition for being thankful for my own family, I am also very grateful for J's family. They have amazingly wonderful and supportive of everything in my life throughout the past year, and I don't think I could've been so lucky to find an amazing boyfriend with an equally amazing family.

I didn't know where to put this next item on myy list at in regards to the order of things I am thankful for in my life. It's probably a weird thing to be grateful for, but I am. I am most thankful for having had the opportunity to have been blessed with a wonderful family to adopt my little angel. While holidays are usually the source of pain throughout the past few years, this year, I am more thankful than anything that my child has been blessed with a loving, caring family who loves her tremendously. As selfish as this next statement may sound, I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had since the adoption to make my life "right". I promised my little angel that I would be a better person the day she decided to meet me in the future, and slowly, but surely, I am living up to that promise. I wouldn't be where I am at in my life without that experience, and while I miss her so much everyday, I know that I made the best choice for all of us and for her.
I am also pretty thankful for having a job. In this day and age, with the economy being what it is, anyone with a job should be grateful. Yet, within the past year, I have gotten a raise, kept my job, and been given more hours to work. I am most absolutely blessed for having been given an opportunity to not to have to struggle or stress like many people out there. Although life is definitely not easy, it is a lot easier to know that I have a steady income that I can depend on to pay for what needs to be paid for.

While some may not consider it an opportunity to be grateful for, I am super lucky to have the to have the chance to go to school and be on my way to earning a degree. Nowadays, you can't work a decent job without having AT LEAST a Bachelors.

Most importantly, I am super grateful for the chance to wake up each day, open my eyes, take a deep breath of air, and walk out of bed. I have my health, all my body parts, and a positive attitude that has helped get through some of the roughest days. Thank you, God, for all of these things and more.

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